Tuesday, June 18, 2024

NEET and Clean?

Recently, NEET results were abruptly released on 4th of June, the day election results were being announced. Amongst the noise of election results, maybe the NTA officials thought their scam would not be exposed and those who raise their voice will be suppressed and ignored. But it's quite stupid to expect this in an exam having 24 lakh+ aspirants. The roar was seen rising from the next day itself. The youth was on the roads, protesting against NTA. We have all heard about the case; 67 perfect scores, insane rank inflation, paper leaks, grace marks, mathematically incorrect scores and what not. What has our country come down to? The SC said, "The sanctity of the exam has been affected". Sure is.

On behalf of all the hardworking students, who gave their everything to this exam, I have a lot of questions. Does money dominate your ethics? Is money more important than the future of this country? Does the government think it is no longer answerable to its people? Is money worth more than lives? Young students of 16-22 years of age are suiciding, ending their lives for an exam that the authority couldn't conduct properly, or rather didn't want to conduct properly. India is a young country with 65% of its population below the age of 35 and this is the condition of the only medical entrance exam of the nation. We can't even trust the paper setters now. Millions of dreams were shattered on 4th June and till date we have lost many lives. Those who are alive have lost their will to do anything. This is not just a scam with the exam, but it is also a scam with our trust, our faith on the education system, the healthcare sector and the future of this country. Many people consider leaving India as a better option and ofcourse why not? Any student will first want to improve their own life and then think of the nation. If the former itself is not fulfilled, how will one even think of the latter, even in their dreams?
Similar mismanagement happened during JEE 2024 exams as well, there were proofs of paper being leaked on social media and poor allocation of candidates among the shifts but NTAs official data is quite manipulative.There wasn't a major uproar, probably because no educational institution stood up for the students and JEE candidates being almost half in number than NEET.

A country that doesn't care for its youth, can never grow. NTA doesn't have appropriate answers to the allegations. Having no answer to questions, gives a lot of answers and raises a lot of questions too. As students, we just want a good education system and a secure future. Is that too much to ask for from the biggest democracy of the world?
Let me know your views on this.

And that's the end! Thank you for reading!
Peace! 🕊️✨

Which is the best profession?

Disclaimer: These are my views and opinions, and are not meant to hurt anyone's feelings or intentions. The answer is, none. I have seen...