Sunday, April 18, 2021


*These are my views and opinions and are not meant to hurt anyone's feelings or intentions

Feminism is a belief that women and men should have the same opportunities and rights.This DOES NOT mean that a women can use her rights to dominate over a man. These lines need to be understood properly.
Just because you are a woman doesnt mean you have the rights to violate somebody else's rights. Let me explain through an example.
Suppose, in a crowded place, if a man mistakenly pushes a woman, she slaps him. We call it Protection and Empowerment.I totally support Women Empowerment and Equal rights. But,what if I reverse the roles and a woman pushes a man? The woman, if gets slapped, will surely file a case or fight back the man. What do we call this? Where did the equality go?
What I am trying to convey here is that if you want equality, learn to accept to be treated the same way as you treat others. As simple as that.
Once, I read a post that said - 'Going to the doctor to see whether its a girl or an abortion'. I was like -What? Not all men are bad.
Also, if you think deeply, who is responsible for their bad behaviour? Their families and surroundings. So, why not raise a child who respects not only girls but everyone.Give your boy the same values and etiquettes that you give to your girl or vice versa. Ultimately,  we are responsible. This way we can change our society and have a better future.

And thats the end.Hope you liked it. Do follow!


  1. Great... Something very different.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. U always inspire me great thinking ☺☺

  4. Great content ,so true

  5. This thought is very much impressive. I think this is not just a matter of vision of society but the changes which begins through young people like you. It is very much needed to change the mind of this society. You can you will definitely make a difference in our society one day. Keep it up.

  6. Very nice thinking, keep it up. This is very inspiring. If everyone thinks this way, there will be no problems in maintaining equality. 👌👌

  7. Very nice and impressive. Our younger generation thinking like you shows that our society is in safe hand.

  8. Very nice and impressive. Our younger generation thinking like you shows that our society is in safe hand.

  9. Exactly what the society needs to understand! Great Work!

  10. no offence, but I'd like to clear up one misconception here...
    when it's said about women equality, and feminism, it's meant by opportunity in society.
    it does no mean women like to be like a man physically... In the context of slap incident, definately man is physically more powered, so i'd say it's not the right choice of example to explain gender equality, or feminism.
    It's about the thoughts of society that thinks, women can't do this and a married woman with kids can't be a CEO of a company, why...nobody even talks about the fact of marriage and kids, when it comes to a man...
    still in India, several families don't think it's appropriate for girls to go for higher studies. while thought like this never ever comes to anyone's mind when it comes to boys
    I'd like to add it's about opportunities

    second thing, about that "Going to the doctor to see whether its a girl or an abortion"'s just a vise-versa of situation of many cases in India itself...don't get offended just by a post, when it's reality for girls...
    don't take this as's same as when men says "women can't drive" and there are several lame, memes jokes about it as well, not every women it taking it personally...


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