Is Artificial Intelligence or AI, the beginning of our end? Before I continue, I want you to watch this 30-second video: Click here
(Honestly, I felt lucky to be born in India after watching this 😂)
I think it aptly represents the upcoming generations of developed and developing countries. So, is this growth of AI really helping us develop? Yes, but destructively.
The first thing we look for in the morning is our mobile phone. Our lives have become so dependent on technology that simple calculations and basic knowledge have to be looked up on the internet.
Nowadays, ChatGPT is quite talked about. It's a software that can have human-like conversations. You can search about anything and it will reply to you like a human being would. You will see many advantages of it, but are there no cons? There are many. I'll talk about a few. The first is humanisation of a robot. The fact that ChatGPT can respond like a human is, in itself, concerning. It is said that it can remember the previous conversation and give its next reply, hence it can also give therapy sessions. It would slowly and gradually deprive our thinking capabilities. The problems which are meant to be solved by you, are now being solved by a software. It can also give real-life advice on finance, investments, diet and even on one's any kind of relationship. In my opinion, why would anyone want a chat system to overview and have a say in their relationships? It obviously cannot know you better than yourself!
Looking back 10 years from now, only a few places were rich enough to have technology. But looking 10 years ahead from now, I think rarely any place would be left on the Earth which could not be connected through technology or the Internet. Technology is not only marking us lethargic physically but also mentally. Who knows in the near future even our part of thinking and decision-making would be done by robots!
Do let me know your views on this!
And that's the end! Thank you for reading!